We all have a part to play

We believe our God is a God of radical generosity and loves when we serve.

Church simply couldn’t happen without each one of our amazing volunteers - there’s a role for everyone!

We want to be a community that gives our skills, time and energy to serve each other and people around us.

Why not sign up for one of our teams below and get involved!

  • Grey chairs in rows in a room.

    Logistics Team

    Getting the building set up and ready for church, and packed away at the end.

  • Person operating digital sound desk

    Sound Team

    Creating a great auditory experience throughout the service.

  • Projector with light shining out

    Screen Team

    Keeping everyone on track, from words for worship to slides with the sermon.

  • Children running on a playing field

    Kids Team

    Helping our SV Kids create strong and lasting relationships with Jesus. (pre-school & primary aged groups)

  • Small chalkboard with 'Welcome, please come in" on it

    Welcome Team

    We want everyone to feel loved and welcomed, from the car park to their seat and everything in between.

  • 3 cups of coffee being held together

    Cafe Team

    We’re a church that loves a cuppa! Setting up and clearing up tea and coffee is a key part of us gathering as a community.

Want to get involved? Fill out this form.