Creating space for our young people to discover God & worship Him
We love our SV Kids!
It’s where we hang out, play games, and learn more about who Jesus is and how we can be his friend. We have SV Tots for 0-3s, SV Minis for Preschoolers and SV Kids for those in Primary School.
Sunday Groups
Each Sunday morning you can check your kids into one of our fantastic groups at our dedicated check-in area.
During the morning the kids enjoy games, crafts, worship, teaching and a whole lot of fun!
For the littlest members of SV (under 3s). Parents are welcome to stay and listen to the service via the audio link or leave their babes with our amazing Tots team.
We have two amazing groups for our Primary kids: P1 - P3 & P4-P7. We can’t wait to have fun and learn about Jesus together.

What’s Happening?
Last term we looked at the same passages as the adults studied in the sermon series. The beginning of the book of Acts - an exciting book that tells us all about what happened to God’s people after Jesus had risen from the dead!
Acts is written by a man called Luke who was a doctor. Luke describes his first book (the gospel according to Luke) as being about all that Jesus began to do and teach while he was on earth (Acts 1:1). So, this means that Luke's second book (Acts) is about what Jesus continues to do and teach from heaven by his Holy Spirit through the apostles.