Thank you!

If you give financially to Stirling Vineyard you are funding all we do in church and our community.

We believe that tithes and offerings are part of our worship. We encourage everyone who calls Stirling Vineyard home to be giving into the life of our church.

If you would like to give a one off donation or set up a regular monthly direct debit click the button below. This is our preferred method of giving.

We are excited for all that God has for Stirling Vineyard and the potential this building offers - to be able to reach out into our community and bring hope and restoration to others.

Would you consider giving a one off donation to help fund the project?

Would you also consider starting or increasing your monthly giving to help us sustain and maintain The Courtyard and all the things we’d love to do here?

Thank you so much for your help and generosity - we are so, so grateful

Regular Giving

To set up giving by standing order our bank details are as follows:

Stirling Vineyard Church

Account number: 10401064

Sort code: 839146

If you start or make a change to your giving it would help if you could let us know at:

Please fill in a Gift Aid Declaration if you are a UK Tax Payer. This will increase the size of your gift by an extra 25% provided for by the Government.

If you would like your gift to be anonymous you can do so via the link below. Just search for “Stirling Vineyard Church”